Monday, February 2, 2009

Google salah berikan peringatan Malware

Human Error yang memasukan tanda garis miring yang salah. Kepercayaan Search Engine kembali di pertanyakan.

Updates at 9:10 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 10:40 a.m., 11:25 a.m., and 12:15 p.m. PST: Google's and's numerous responses added. Rewrites have been made throughout to sum up the issue.

TechCrunch dan Cnet melaporkan mulai jam 7 AM, setiap website yang ditemukan dari search engine Google dibilang sebagai situs Malware. Semua web yang di click dari search engine Google akan tampil peringatan anda memasuki situs berbahaya.

Kesalahan terjadi karena salah input dari manusianya. Karena link dengan nilai "/" dari file berdampak ke seluruh nama URL website "/" masuk daftar hitam.
Marissa Mayer dari VP Google Search mengatakan hal sederhana memang terjadi, yaitu kesalahan manusia yang salah memasukan data. Mengapa muncul peringatan ketika masuk ke situs yang bersih, terkait dengan perusahaan StopBadware sendiri juga membantah, pengumuman dari Google yang mengatakan tidak akurat. Google memiliki daftar sendiri dimana lokasi Badware berada. Dan StopBadware tidak membuat data apapun untuk Google.

Dibawah pengumuman dari

This morning, an apparent glitch at Google caused nearly every [update 11:44 am] search listing to carry the "Warning! This site may harm your computer" message. Users who attempted to click through the results saw the "interstitial" warning page that mentions the possibility of badware and refers people to for more information. This led to a denial of service of our website, as millions of Google users attempted to visit our site for more information. We are working now to bring the site back up. We are also awaiting word from Google about what happened to cause the false warnings.

[Update 12:31] Google has posted an update on their official blog that erroneously states that Google gets its list of URLs from us. This is not accurate. Google generates its own list of badware URLs, and no data that we generate is supposed to affect the warnings in Google’s search listings. We are attempting to work with Google to clarify their statement.

[Update 12:41] Google is working on an updated statement. Meanwhile, to clarify some false press reports, it does not appear to be the case that Google has taken down the warnings for legitimately bad sites. We have spot checked a couple known bad sites, and Google is still flagging those sites as bad. i.e., the problem appears to be corrected on their end.

For more information about how the process works and the relative role that Google and play, please see our Clearinghouse page or this question in our FAQ.

[Update 1:36] Google updated its statement to reflect that StopBadware does not provide Google’s badware data.

[Update 2:35] Hopefully this will be the last update, as Google has acknowledged the error, apologized to its customers, and fixed the problem. As many know, we have a strong relationship with Google, which is a sponsor and partner of The mistake in Google’s initial statement, indicating that we supply them with badware data, is a common misperception. We appreciate their follow up efforts in clarifying the relationship on their blog and with the media. Despite today’s glitch, we continue to support Google’s effort to proactivel.


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